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The Community Waste Reloading Station

The concept of SPO beginning | Exploatation | Main task | Buildings | Polish and European Union Law

Polish and European Union Law

Polish and European Union Law with reference to proceedings with waste, lays on the waste owners the duty to recycle them, and if it is not possible- neutralize them in a way in accordance with environmental protection requirements. The principle was executed in analyzed undertaking with using the best technique (BAT).

Waste treatment- based on segregation and recycling, meets the requirements of Polish and European Union Law. Waste Reloading Station in Sieradz creates the functional whole with “Orli Staw” Plant. In order to systematic monitoring of Station’s impact on the environment, especially on the ground environment, on the direction of ground water inflow and outflow applied observational holes (pizometry) according to directives and localization designed in Geological- Engineering Documentations.


It must be said that Waste Reloading Station in Sieradz meets the requirements of Polish and European Union legal regulations in the range of environment protection. The realization of the undertaking and its appropriate exploitation will not cause any negative changes in the environment. Generally, the proposed technical solution takes into consideration the newest European trend in a way of waste treatment.

The Community Waste Reloading Station in Sieradz was built with 69% of European Union’s funds support in the framework of Project no 2002/PL/16/P/PE/030 “Kalisz- Solid Waste Treatment”. The value of the investment closed in 1mln Euro. The building of the station was executed in the framework of contract no 06 “The Building of Waste Reloading Station in Sieradz” signed in 15th April 2009 with PPHU PRIJNAD Limited Liability Company in Sieradz. The contractor started in 12th May 2009, the work definitely ended in 12th June 2010.