The Community Waste Reloading Station
The concept of SPO beginning | Exploatation | Main task | Buildings | Polish and European Union LawExploitation
The garbage trucks exploited by local export companies will reload their waste to transport containers which will be transported to SWTP “Orli Staw”. The station has go built-up zone of unloading and closed hermetic technological system of compression starting with garbage trucks unloading zone, to specialist, closed transport container. Within the station, will be received all kinds of reclaimed waste delivered by the inhabitants through the reclaimed materials receiving point from individual deliverers.
On the basis of waste balance, it was assumed, that the amount of waste delivered to the station will be about 70Mg/day. The waste will be delivered in garbage trucks of different kinds. The number of unloaded trucks will be about 30 per day. After the registration on electronic scales, the cars with waste will be guided on reloading ramp to the building where is the waste unloading zone. The car is unloaded to hopper, which will pack the waste to mechanically adjoined container. After unloading, the car will go on scale again to determine its tare and waste’s net. After filling, the container will be automatically closed and moved on a rail trolley to collection zone, where with the use of hook device it will be picked up by the truck. The empty container will be automatically put under the press.
The waste transport of II degree in closed containers with capacity 31,5 m3 and throughtput 70Mg/day will be done by heavy car tractor with the trailer. To transport all the waste, the truck will have to do 3 whole drives. In the area of station is planned the hazardous waste receiving point, which contain community waste from individual deliverers. These are: batteries, fluorescent lamps, oils, used electric and electronic equipment, paints, varnish and other chemicals used in households. The amount of such waste is about 2kg/person/year which in the region ( about 75 000peple) gives about 150Mg/year.
The hazardous waste will be delivered by people directly to reloading station. The waste will be stored in mobile, safe container, adjusted to this function. The containers will be transported be a lorry to hazardous Waste Storehouse in SWTP “Orli Staw”. Within the station there will not be recycling. All the waste transported to Waste Reloading Station in Sieradz, after reloading to containers, will be taken to recycling system in SWTP "Orli Staw"
The Waste Treatment system assumes, that within the city will be developed the system of (reclaimed) selective waste collecting (glass, paper, plastic) and vegetable and food waste (so called wet waste) in the place where they are produced. Also building, large size and hazardous waste will be collected in different way. Mixed community waste will be transported to Reloading Station in Sieradz.
The aim of the designed investment is to create the logistic background of modern waste treatment system in Sieradz. The introducing the regional system will allow the elimination of landfills and will order the management of waste in the region.